NVA Individual Operational Field Clothing and Equipment - For all Ranks
The following information was translated from the NVA Manual "Handbuch Militarisches Grundwissen" (Handbook of Military Knowledge), Militarverlag der DDR, 1986 edition:
"Regarding the Stipulations of the catalog, Clothing and Equipment – Standards, Combat Complex section, the following clothing and equipment is authorized in the supply element:
1 field cap or on-board cap
1 winter hat
1 uniform jacket
1 uniform trouser
1 field duty uniform (summer or winter)
1 knit jacket collar (fake fur type)
1 pullover sweater
1 balaclava cap
1 pair 4-finger gloves
2 pair knit socks
3 collar binds
2 sets of underwear
3 handkerchiefs
1 pair "half shaft" boots
1 steel m57 helmet
1 camouflage net
1 web belt (gray)
1 pair trouser suspenders
1 pair load bearing suspenders
2 combat packs
1 field bottle
1 mess kit
1 ground sheet (shelter half)
1 accessories kit (rope, pole, stakes)
1 wool blanket
1 towel
Wash kit, razor, shoe shine kit, sewing kit
1 mission set consisting of:
1 set underwear
2 towels
2 collar binds
4 handkerchiefs
2 pair of socks
Note: Mission set is to be used only on order of higher unit commanders. "