NVA is a German film comedy released in 2005 that involves two friends who serve in the National People's Army of the former DDR. It was directed by Leander Haussmann, who together with Brussig Thomas also wrote the screenplay. The film caricatures the life of the National People's Army (abbreviated: NVA) in the final years of East Germany. The movie is in German and there are no subtitles.
Directed by - Leander Haußmann
Produced by - Claus Boje and Detlev Buck
Written by - Thomas Brussig and Leander Haußmann
Music by - Marcel Blatti and Paul Lemp
Cinematography - Frank Griebe
Release date - 29 September 2005
Running time - 98 min.
Language - German
Kim Alexander Frank - Private Henrik Heidler
Oliver Bröcker - Private Krüger
Jasmin Schwiers - Marie Kalt
Detlev Buck - Colonel Kalt
Thorsten Michaelis - Captain Stummel
Ignaz Kirchner - Warrant Officer Futterknecht
Maxim Mehmet - Corporal Aurich
Annika Kuhl - Nurse Sonja
Robert Gwisdek - Traubewein